Calculation of Hour
To calculate the starting hour of the day, we have to know the time of sunrise. time of solar noon and time of sunset. These three parameters are essential to fix the horas of the day.
Let me give you an example of calculation of Hora for the day January 14th 2011, place : Chennai, India. (Note: Horas change from place to place, according to three parameters i mentioned)
The Sun Rise time on 14/1/2011 : 6.35 AM
The Solar Noon time on 14/1/2011 : 12.18 PM
The Sun Set time on 14/1/2011 : 18.01 PM
Place: Chennai, India
Step 1: Subtract the sun rise time from solar noon time. 12.18 PM – 6.35 AM gives 343 minutes
Step 2: divide the result of step 1 by 6, 343/6 gives 57 minutes 17 seconds.
Step 3: The sunrise time of the day + 57 minutes 17 seconds is the first hour of the day, and then add this time interval successively for other following horas.
Now, this 57 minutes 17 seconds is the time interval of planetary hours of a day, from sunrise time to solar noon time.
i.e. Jan 14th is Friday. so the starting hour of this day is hora of venus, So venus hora starts from 6.35 am to 7:32:59 am, the next mercury hora starts from 7:32:59 am to 8:30:58 am. this will continue till mars hora which will end at 12:22:54 pm. After this, subtract the solar noon time from sun set time, i.e. 18.01 Pm – 12.18 pm, which is again 343 minutes, and the interval comes 57 minutes 17 seconds. So the hora after mars, i.e. sun hora starts from 12:22:54 pm and ends at 13:20:11 pm.
This calculation will continue till the next sunrise time of the day.
This is the accurate method to calculate hora of a day.
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