Saturday, December 7, 2013

Picking the winning combinations or numbers

  Introducing completely a new concept in picking the winning combinations or numbers in lottery, Lotto, and in similar gambling events at maximum certainty and probability levels there by minimizing the number of tickets they would actually need to purchase and It improves the numerical odds of picking winning lottery numbers and effectively saves money compared to all the other leading lottery number pickers. The lottery is a random game of chance., it's gambling. So, what? It's fun, exciting and easy to play. 

  . No body wants to loose money in such lottery or in gambling events however rich they are and except a lucky few & majority loose money and end-up in state of despair and agony. In lottery and similar pool games the events are totally random in nature and forecasting of next event cannot be evaluated by any of present statistical analytical methods. Let us take an example of results of local single digit lottery daily draws as 3, 4, 1, 6, 2, 5, 5, 1, 0, 2, 5, 2, 5, 9, 8,…….. so on. Look at the way the numbers appeared in each lottery draw. There is no relation, correlation or any type of mathematical formulas connected and totally chaotic and you cannot predict the next event in the lottery however expert you are in the statistical analytical mathematics or astrology, tarot readings, numerology or by any sort of fortune telling methods. There is no fun playing in gambling of lottery by picking numbers at random or by selecting as lucky nos. as all the numbers will have equal probability of occurrence irrespective of lucky or unlucky. For incorporating any system in probability theory, the population or the data selected, must have a trend line and not merely of random in occurrence. The figures of sales, inventory, population growth etc. have trends. The mostly used systems are linear regression method and Monte Carlo simulation procedures. Both these methods use conditional level of forecasting wherein each event should have parallel existing values in lieu.

 In my quest to find a suitable method in forecasting a winning number as of a lottery, with high degree of accuracy and after many years of testing of various statistical analytical methods in the theory of probability has resulted in stumbling upon a system of mathematical application and I call it pyramidon system .This system offers an incredibly real and practical correlation with gambling randomized events; lottery ; horse racing, sports betting, stock market forecasts. very simple form of mathematical application of simple additions and subtractions and you can enjoy the thrill of applying this method in forecasting many winning combinations in lottery gambling events If you play by selecting the numbers randomly then your chance of winning the event will be at random and have highest uncertainty level. It will be sheer luck if you win and there is no fun in betting in this way having a high uncertainty level of forecasting.

  . Suppose that you have come across a strip of the serial number of your electricity bill, where in the all the initial six digits of the past lottery result, that is 2, 5, 1, 0, 3, 4, are exactly coinciding with? It is not a thrill? In betting the next number of your electricity bill? Well, there is a high level of chance of occurrence of the next digit of your electricity bill. This method is known as conditional probability and all the forecasting of winning events in the said pyramidon system is totally based on. When you take the past records of certain winning numbers of any lottery or similar gambling event in a serial format and workout according to the methods of the pyramidon system, you will get the conditional format or the trend line. This trend line or the conditional format generated in the pyramidon is the main feature having a trend of occurrence of the numbers and thus eliminating the dreaded factor of total randomness and uncertainty level in calculating probability factors. Understanding & using the trend factor in picking  the winning number is the real task to master and dig-out. 

  There will be  a number of trend lines generated in the pyramidon system and a trend line having the highest correlation factor could be selected in picking the winning number. Not only this, you can use the conditional probability methods like Linear regression method, Monte Carlo simulations and many of correlation method in forecasting the winning lottery numbers.

. This pyramidon method is the only method in the application of forecasting the winning event, far advanced then any other systems of statistical analytical systems that are there existing to-day. No other methods or systems of statistical probability analytical method could be applied in a satisfactory level than pyramidon system in forecasting the winning numbers in the gambling and other similar events. Not only this method is very simple in application, it is much interesting in the working-out and evaluating the winning event at highest probability level. You will find lot of trend lines generated in the pyramidon which are very much in correlation with the past record of the winning numbers and some times you can find that a particular trend line in the pyramidon is exactly coinciding with that of the past winning number format and in such situation your logical mind will definitely come to a level of certainty in selecting the next number of the trend line as winning figure with confidence. Now let us go for the real stuff and get the thrill and excitement in looking at the astonishing working of pyramidon system.     

Let us get started with the working of the pyramidon system and observe the astonishing trend lines or conditional formats that are generated in order to have maximum confidence levels of probability in selecting the winning numbers.

                                          THE PYRAMIDON SYSTEM 

  If you know some thing about the famous Fibonacci numbers and awesome properties associated with, then you know how the Fibonacci numerical system is having a striking correlation with the phenomena of growth and evolution in the nature. Some sort of system, pattern & geometric symmetry could be seen hidden in the total in the chaotic conditions of the nature. The growth of plant leaves, flowers, crystals are some examples wherein the growth pattern is seen associated with the Fibonacci serial pattern. Similarly I could find a Fibonacci type of numerical system is hidden in the total random generation of numerical events, having a trend and conditional level as found in the Fibonacci series and very much useful in implementing in the probability theory and forecasting the winning combinations in the lottery.  

Let us take a simple example and assume that below is the past record of a lottery draws of one of your favorite single digit lottery, taken in series. 

Past record of winning numbers of the lottery: - 4, 6, 2, 3,  6,  8, and X.(to forecast) displayed in column A
X is the 8th event that has to be forecasted wherein you can win nine times of the amount you get against the odds of 1:9. format the past record of winning nos. as below

. In the subsequent columns, B, C, D, …..G, are numbers of subtraction. For example in the column B, the figures -2, 4, -1, -3,… etc. are derived as   (4-6), (6-2), (2-3), (3-6) and so on. Add all the numbers in each row to get the results as of column T. for example, the total of 3rd row as 2, 4, and -6 will add up to 0 and shown in the column T. that’s all and you got the first conditional format or trend line in the column T. now observe how the totally random variable line of winning numbers shown in column A, got transformed into a conditional format having high certainty level of probability observed in column T. Observe that the sequence formation in column T.has a peculiar order of occurrence, shown in the column S.

 A pattern or a trend line could be seen in the sequence of numbers in column T also in S and according to the trend in column S you can have some confidence that the chances of  7-X = -2  and picking the next winning number as X=9. The trend lines can have values in double forms or in negative forms such as 4, 4, -5, -4, -13, 18 and so on. There is the trend and how to look for it in proper format?  In this case certain rules have to be followed  and you can see the above trend line as 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

1). for single digit lottery events.
A) Take only the fist digit of display for calculations. For example in the display of 129, take the digit 9 and ignore the remaining digits.
2). When the final digit is evolved as negative form, for example as -4, add 10 to it to get the final figure, add 100 for double digit result, add 1000 for three digit result and so on. Suppose that you have found -3 or -41 or -561 as the final result after going trough the mathematical procedures mentioned in the pyramydon system as above, then 10 -4 = 6 or 100-41 = 59 or 1000 – 561 = 439 and pick only the last digit as 6 or 9 or 9 as winning numbers. 

   This procedure will not change the true outcome of the winning number at all. Some practical work is needed in order to understand the pyramidon system and to implicate the trend lines in forecasting the winning number.

Note :- the number of events selected or the population, should always be even in evaluating the next occurrence of the winning number( as 6, 8, 10, 12…….so on) in order to get the trend line.
There are three types of trend line that you will come across during pyramidon simulations as, 

1). Lower correlation 2). Normal correlation and 3). Higher correlation. Examples are
The formats of numbers observed (as in the column S ) as 1, 1, 3, 5,  or 2, 2, 4, 6  or 4. 4. 2. 0. or 7, 7, 10, 13 wherein the difference between the 2nd & the 3rd or the 3rd & the 4th is more than 1, come under lower correlation type 

The formats observed as 1, 1, 2, 3,  or 2, 2, 3, 4,  or 4, 4, 3, 2  or 7, 7, 8, 9 wherein the difference between the said consecutive numbers is 1, come under the normal correlation.
The format of numbers observed 1,1,1,1 or 3,3,3,3 or 5,5,5, 5 or 0,0,0,0 wherein the  difference in the consecutive numbers is nil, come under the higher correlation type

Always try to select the trend line having the higher correlation.
The magical trend line is the most significant format that you get after working the pyramidon system out of the selected numbers of past winning series as many hidden number of trend lines could be generated out of a single trend line in order find a trend line having higher correlation. In order get a normal or higher correlation trend line, you have to select more past winning numbers. More the past winning numbers selected, more are the trend lines generated and more are the chance of selecting the trend line of higher correlation. When you select more past results, the end part of the pyramidon can be bigger with more digits & the working out in the pyramidon system can be tedious and prone to mistakes & you may end up in getting the wrong nos. or wrong trend lines. Working out the pyramidon system on computer, in Microsoft excel spread  sheet will be of tremendous advantage in saving lot of time in calculations, formations and in elimination of mistakes. Microsoft Excel spread sheet is loaded with many built-in mathematical  functions helping you in the way you want to calculate the various parameters of additions, subtractions, multiplications and also with lot many statistical analytical methods, which may be very useful in finding the winning number combinations in the lotteries. It is very simple to learn Microsoft Excel of Window program. After properly laying the past winning nubers in proper format and suitably selecting the required built-in functions of excel, get started working with the pyramidon system on computer, by selecting various series of past records of lottery, lotto etc. and compare the results you get, with the winning numbers and working out in this way for a couple of days will make you to understand the working of the pyramidon system and selecting the winning combinations of highest probability.

Let us take some past winning numbers of a single digit daily draw lottery sample format and work out as described above

Past winning numbers are 7, 6, 8, 0, 5, 2, 4, 6, 3, 7 (even no. of figures) and after working out as shown in TABLE – 1 and adding up all the numbers in each row, as shown in column T  of TABLE – 1 you will get the format shown in the column A as below.

Now working out again in the way as shown in TABLE – 1 , you can find some of the trend lines running along column wise below the 0 cells. Look at the trend lines below 0 in each column  and find that there is a definite conditional level of  occurrence of numbers in the trend lines. In column C, the trend line forming as 13, 13, 26, 39, 52, and 65, there is a constant difference of 13 and hence the probability of occurrence of next cell number in the trend line as 78 can be high with high confidence level. Working out the equation X + 31 = 78 will give the value of X = 47 and as per the rule stipulated above, number 7 (last digit) should be selected.

When it comes in selecting thee figures that of lotto results, never select all the three digits as a whole and
Work out. Separate them column wise as shown below & select each column and work out for finding the winning number in the right place. Assume the following are the three digit lotto past results. Separate them column wise as 1, 9, 8, 2, ……of column A  so on in working with the Pyramidon system

                      A – B - C
……………………... 1 – 6 - 3                                                       
 …………………….. 9 – 7 – 2
 ……………………... 8 – 7 - 6
 ………………………2 – 6 - 9

The formation of trend lines in the Pyramidon system is the most fundamental feature having many hidden features, useful in probability theory applications and pyramidon system is the only system or method among all the present systems of statistical analysis as this system transforms total random and uncertainty level of the population into a conditional level with many trend lines generated in it. You have to study  the various trend lines for certainty levels and use good logic in finding winning nos. 

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